Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

442 - Degree in Odontology

29308 - Scientific documents in odontology

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29308 - Scientific documents in odontology
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

The learning process is being developed to acquire the skills necessary to understand and criticize a scientific text and to make a correct search for any type of scientific documentation and present a research paper that meets correctly the international standards of publications (Vancouver).

We use active learning methodology based on three types of activities: exposure or expert approach to problems, personal observation and systematic analysis of sources of scientific information, and the resolution of a single research problem.

The teaching activities will be held both at group level only in the case of master classes, and smaller size groups in the  case of practical lectures that will be specified in the schedule of each group.


5.2. Learning tasks


The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results includes the following activities:


Theoretical classes
They will aim to expose the different teaching blocks, using audiovisual media and Internet, necessary for an understanding of the materials that will later be used in practice and at the end of the course will be examined. They are taught in large classroom sessions one or two hours.
Practical classes and workshops
They aim to observe, quantify, analyze and evaluate basic scientific reports (journal articles, medical records), in order to familiarize students with the new technologies of information and documentation applied to health and biomedical research. Learning to manage the necessary steps to have easy access to sources of biomedical information will allow students to immediately know all the innovations that are generated in the scientific world. Another of the objectives is to accustom students to public exposure of the various tasks performed.
Practices in the computer room.
Exhibition and oral defense.
Practices Documentation and Coding Diagnostic Clinic.
Seminars in groups to solve problems and cases.

Final work
This work enables students to learn the methodology necessary to develop a research: from the problem statement to the development of the final conclusions and their presentation and publication in forums and magazines science.
This activity, allows students to apply basic concepts acquired in the training sessions and in some research-based techniques.
Topics for research that can be done individually or in groups previously designed in the classroom practices are offered.
All research groups are working with the same methodology:
- General Study Design: objectives, materials and methods. Preparation of the work plan, writing the introduction and assignment of team tasks.
- Data collection: development of an Excel file, Word, etc. File Maker
- Data analysis and summary of the results: Preparation of iconography for the presentation of the results: graphical tables, charts, concept maps etc.
- Drafting of the final report in the scientific style and compromise to Vancuber standards, structured in: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results (Discussion, if any) and Bibliography. Oral presentation of selected papers, discussion and delivery of the written report.
Every day, before or after class students, can access to tutorials (with a previous day request for a better planning and distribution of the teaching load).
In addition to the scheduled lectures, students may demand a tutorials in a different day and the date prior agreement with the teacher of the subject


5.3. Syllabus

1. Health concept. Health inequality. 

2. Scientific and technological system (I + D + i).
3. Information sources. scientific communication. How to find and use scientific information.
4. Bibliometric indicators and dissemination of publications.
5. Research Methodology I. Models of change and scientific progress.
6. Research Methodology II. The efficient search of the scientific literature.
7. Research Methodology III. The presentation of scientific communication.
8. Structure and theory of the medical act. scientific language and technicalities. Dental Classification of Diseases: ICD-OE.
9. Itineraries recovery of health and medical act. Medical history and research.
10. Research in Health Economics. Basic concepts.




5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works:


The duration of classes is 2 hours and the work will go along doing all in alternating semester lecture with practical, as it develops the daily progress of the theory.
The final work will be performing weekly since the issue number 3 with periodic tutorials and final presentation is finished in two formats: as an article published in a scientific journal and poster presentation format for a conference.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources



  • Callon, Michel. Cienciometría : La medición de la actividad científica, de la bibliometría a la vigilancia tecnológica / Michel Callon, Jean-Pierre Courtial, Hervé Penan . [1a. ed.] Gijón : Trea, D.L. 1995
  • Metodología de la investigación clínica / [coordinador] Javier García-Conde . Barcelona : Medicina STM Editores : Ars Medica, imp. 2003
  • López Piñero, José María. El análisis estadístico y sociométrico de la literatura científica / José Ma. López Piñero . Valencia : Centro de Documentación e Informática Médica, 1972
  • Gutiérrez Rodilla, Bertha M.. La ciencia empieza en la palabra : análisis e historia del lenguaje científico / Bertha M. Gutiérrez Rodilla . [1a. ed.] Barcelona : Península, 1998
  • Day, Robert A.. Cómo escribir y publicar trabajos científicos / Robert A. Day y Barbara Gastel . 4ª ed. en esp. Washington, D.C. : Organización Panamericana de la Salud, 2008
  • Guía práctica para la elaboración de un trabajo científico / Antonio Carreras Panchón, coordinador . 1ª ed. Bilbao : CITA, 1994
  • Autonomía del paciente, información e historia clínica : (estudios sobre la Ley 41/2002, de 14 de noviembre) / Pedro González Salinas, Emilio Lizarraga Bonelli (coordinadores) ;prólogo, Jesús González Pérez . 1ª ed. Madrid : Civitas, 2004
  • Moreno Vernis, Miguel. Documentación clínica : organización, custodia y acceso .
  • Información y documentación clínica : su tratamiento jurisprudencial (1990-1999) / Aitziber Emaldi Cirión...[et al.] . Madrid : Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2000
  • Historia clínica del paciente : método basado en evidencias / editado por Lawrence M. Tierney, Mark C. Henderson ; traducción, Gabriela León Jiménez . 1ª ed. México D.F. [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2007
  • López Piñero, José María. Introducción a la terminología médica / Jose M. López Piñero, María Luz Terrada Ferrandis . Barcelona [etc.] : Salvat, D.L. 1990
  • Amat I Noguera, Nuria. Documentación científica y nuevas tecnologías de la información / Nuria Amat . 3a. ed. Madrid : Pirámide, 1989
  • Terrada Ferrandis, María Luz. La documentación médica como disciplina / María-Luz Terrada . Valencia : Centro de Documentación e informática biomédica : Universidad : Caja de ahorros, 1983
  • Medicina basada en la evidencia : cómo ejercer y enseñar la MBE / Sharon E. Straus ... [et al.] . 3ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : Elsevier, cop. 2006
  • Ortún Rubio, Vicente. La economía en sanidad y medicina : instrumentos y limitaciones / Vicente Ortún Rubio . 1a. ed., 2a. reimp. Barcelona : Escola Universitaria de Treball Social : La Llar del Llibre, 1992
  • Gestión sanitaria : calidad y seguridad de los pacientes / JM Aranaz, C Aibar, J Vitaller, JJ Mira (Directores) . Madrid : Díaz de Santos : Fundación Mapfre, D.L.2008
  • Sánchez González, Miguel Angel. Historia, teoría y método de la medicina : introducción al pensamiento médico / Miguel Ángel Sánchez González . 1ª ed., [reimp.] Barcelona [etc.] : Elsevier Masson, D.L.2008
  • Howie, J.G.R.. Investigación en medicina general / J.G.R. Howie ; [versión española Miguel Angel Martín Alvarado ; revisado por Juan J. Gervás Camacho] . Madrid : Diaz de Santos, D.L. 1992
  • Hawkins, Clifford. Investigación médica : cómo prepararla y cómo divulgarla / Clifford Hawkins, Marco Sorgi ; prólogo de Stephen Lock ; traducción y prólogo a la ed. española por Marta Pulido . Barcelonaa : Medici, 1990